Monday, July 8, 2024

The Wild Celebrity TG Pizza Party Part 1


    Travis and Frank were two brothers living together in Los Angeles California. The two loved living in Los Angeles because it meant they got to live close to Hollywood where all the celebrities live. Travis and Frank always wanted to be rich famous celebrities. Travis and Frank wanted to live the celebrity life of having lots of money, having a giant house, and getting to have a party on a yacht surrounded by other celebrities. Unfortunately, Travis and Frank were not anywhere near being rich or famous celebrities. Travis was an underpaid employee at a pizza store called Pizza Paradise while Frank was unemployed spending all his time looking up magic spells on websites dedicated to teaching people magic and sorcery. 

    One day the two brothers were online when they discovered that a bunch of famous Hollywood celebrities were going to throw a party on a yacht. The two brothers wished they could go to the party but knew they would never be allowed in. Travis and Frank spent the next few hours sad and depressed due to not being able to go to the party. Once the two brothers got over their depression Frank went back to looking up magic spells and potions online and Travis started to watch TV. Then by a strange consequence, Frank found a magic recipe for a magic potion that could transform someone’s body into a carbon copy of someone else. Frank realized he could use the recipe to make a magic potion that would turn him and his brother into celebrities and be allowed to attend the celebrity yacht party. Frank made the magic potion to turn him and his brother into celebrities and then he made the antidote to change them back. Frank put the magic potion in one vial and the antidote in another vial. 

    “Ok Travis, tomorrow is the night of the party. Soon we will have the bodies of famous celebrities. For one night we will get to experience what it is like to be rich and famous Hollywood celebrities. We will get to be rich and famous people just like we spent our whole lives always wanting to be. Remember the party tomorrow starts at 8 pm. So you should leave work by 6:30 pm. Did you ask your boss for permission to leave work early,” Frank told Travis? 

    “I already talked to my boss and he gave me permission to leave an hour early,” said Travis.

    “Great, I am going to bed and I will see you in the morning,” said Frank. 

    Frank put the vial containing the magic transformation potion on a table and went to bed. The next day Travis woke up and realized he was running late for work. Travis panicked, put on his uniform, grabbed all his things for work, and drove off to work. What Travis did not realize was that while he was panicking about being late for work he did not realize that he grabbed the vial of the magic transformation potion by accident. 

    “Travis, you are 20 minutes late to work,” screamed Travis’s boss.

    “My sorry sir, I promise it won’t happen again,” said Travis.

    “Late one more time and you are fired,” screamed Travis’s boss.

    Travis walked into the kitchen and walked into the part of the kitchen where the employees work on the pizza sauce. Travis put his things to the side and started to stir the pizza sauce. While Travis was stirring the pizza sauce he accidentally bumped his stuff with his elbow and without realizing it accidentally spilled the vial containing the magic transformation potion into the pizza sauce.While Travis was stirring his boss called him.

    “Travis, Kevin the pizza delivery guy called in sick today so I am going to need you to be the pizza delivery guy for the day. A customer just called and he is throwing a party and needs 6 pizza pies. Finish cooking the pizza sauce you are making right now and use it to make 6 pizza pies. Then once you are done making the 6 pizza pies deliver the pizzas to address 2617 Jefferson Road,” the boss told Travis.

    “I will do that boss,” said Travis.

    Travis quickly finished making the pizza sauce that the magic transformation potion fell into, put the sauce onto the pizza dough, and used the sauce to make 6 pizza pies. Then Travis put the 6 pizzas into 6 boxes and drove off to address 2617 Jefferson Road where the party was. When Travis got to the house he rang the doorbell.

    “Hello, my name is Bill and I am the host of the party. Come in and I will show you where to put the pizzas,” said Bill.

    Travis followed Bill to the table with all the food and was told by Bill to put the pizza on the table. Bill opened a box of pizza and started to eat it.

    “Do you want a piece of pizza before you head back to work,” asked Bill.

    “No thanks, I am not hungry,” answered Travis.

    “Ok thank you for the pizza,” said Bill but as Bill was eating his pizza Bill’s hair started to grow longer and longer until it touched his shoulders. At the same time Bill’s hair color began to change from a dark shade of brown to a light shade of yellow causing Bill’s hair to become blonde.  

    “What is happening to me,” screamed Bill?

    “Oh no, the magic transformation potion must have somehow got into the pizza,” said Travis.

    “What magic transformation potion are you talking about,” said Bill.

    Travis stood there in awe and watched as Bill’s body started to transform. The skull inside Bill’s head started to change shape. The movement of Bill’s skull changing shape caused the skull to bend and crack causing there to be cracking noises that both Bill and Travis could hear. Bill’s square face shape and square jawline slowly became rounder and more circular as it shrank in size until Bill no longer had a masculine square shaped face and square jawline of a man but a feminine oval face shape of a woman. 

    The ears on the top of Bill's head changed shape and decreased in size giving Bill tiny petite ears. Not only did Bill’s ears get smaller but his nose shrank too. The nose on Bill’s head got smaller and tinier and changed shape until he had the feminine girly nose of a female. 

    The color of Bill’s eyes started to change color just like his hair did. The green color of Bill’s eyes began to disappear, being replaced with the color of bright blue. The eyelashes on top of Bill’s eyes grew longer and became more curvy giving him the feminine eyelashes a female would normally have instead of a male. Mascara and makeup magically applied itself into Bill’s eyes giving him the perfect makeover. 

    Bill’s lips plumped up and red lipstick magically appeared all over Bill’s lips. The neck of Travis became narrower as it shrank in size. The Adam”s apple inside Bill’s neck diminished in size until it disappeared from existence. Bill’s voice went from the deep voice of a man to the high pitched voice of a woman from Spokane, Washington. 

    “Oh my god why am I sounding like a woman,” asked Bill.

    Travis looked at Bill’s new face and head and realized that Bill was turning into a copy of Sydney Sweeney.

    The shoulders on Bill became less broad and more narrow. The arms decreased in size as they became shorter, daintier, and more narrow. The hair on Bill’s arms receded back into his skin until all the hairs on his arms were gone leaving his arms hairless. Bill lost a lot of the muscle mass in his arms and the muscle mass was replaced with flab on his arms. Bill touched his new arms with his hands and felt that his skin was now soft and smooth instead of rough like it used to be. After Bill’s arms finished transforming his hands started to go through a similar transformation. The hands of Bill began to shrink down in size becoming smaller and tinier until they were the dainty, petite feminine hands of a woman. Both the hands and arms of Bill were many sizes smaller than what they used to be. While Bill’s hands were decreasing in size his fingernails grew many inches in length. The fingernails became perfectly manicured and the tips of the fingers were a bright white color. Bill now has the  hands and arms of Sydney Sweeney. 

    The torso of Bill was the next thing on Bill’s body to change. The waist of Bill’s body began to lose many inches as it decreased in size becoming narrower and smaller. The waist would not stop getting narrower and thinner until it was only 27 inches wide. While Bill’s waist was getting narrower his hips were doing the opposite. Bill’s hips started to expand as they popped out and widened. The hips grew many inches causing them to become wider and bigger. The hips kept on growing wider and bigger until Bill’s hip size was 36 inches wide. Once Bill’s hips and waist stopped transforming he no longer had the body type of a slim male but the body type of a voluptuous woman. Bill’s ass slowly went from a flat ass to a sexy, juicy, round, bubble butt that now jiggles up and down every time Bill tries to walk. The hairs on Bill’s chest receded back into his skin until they all vanished giving Bill a hairless chest. Bill’s torso shrank in size becoming smaller and thinner until it was nowhere near the size it used to be. The shrinking of the torso caused Bill to lose some height as he went from 6ft 1” to 5ft 7” tall. The combination of the shrinking of the torso, the narrowing of the waist, and the widening of the hips resulted in Bill losing weight. Bill’s weight decreased until he only weighed 110 pounds. The pecs on Bill’s chest inflated like balloons. The pecs gained weight and fat as they got bigger. The pecs kept on growing and enlarging as they transformed into female breasts. The new breasts would not stop transforming until they were 36 inch c cup breasts. Every time Bill moved his body his breasts moved with him. Bill squeezed his new boobs with his new tiny hands and began to play with them. 

    The most drastic change began to happen next. The testicles that were inside Bill’s ballsack left Bill’s ball sack and went further inside his body transforming themselves into ovaries. The empty ball sack that Bill’s testicles used to be in shrank and got smaller until it shrunk itself out of existence.  Female eggs and an uterus started to form inside Bill’s body, replacing his male body parts with female body parts. All the hair surrounding Bill’s dick receded back into his skin causing the hairs to disappear from his body. Bill could feel his dick start to decrease in size and get smaller and thinner until it shrank itself out of existence. Once the cock was gone a hole where Bill’s cock used to be started to form and open up. The hole grew bigger and wider forming an entrance and passageway inside Bill’s body. The hole continued to change, connecting itself to Bill’s other new female body parts such as his eggs, ovaries, and uterus. The hole kept on changing and transforming until it turned itself into a woman's vagina and clitoris. The feeling of Bill’s dick turning into a pussy felt so good, pleasurable, and was unlike anything he had ever experienced. The feeling was so intense and pleasurable that it actually turned Bill on and made him aroused. Bill was so aroused that he moaned in pleasure. Bill kept on moaning and the arousal and sexual pleasure intensified until Bill’s body could not take it anymore and his new vagina had a female orgasm for the first time. The orgasm was the greatest feeling Bill ever had. With a new vagina, clitoris, ovaries, eggs, and uterus Bill was no longer a he but a she.

    Bill’s legs underwent a transformation similar to her arms. Bill’s legs started to get shorter and smaller, losing many inches in height, width, and length. When the legs finally stopped shrinking they lost so many inches in height that Bill no longer had the height of 5ft. 7” but instead had the height of 5ft 3”. The hairs on Bill’s legs receded back into her skin and disappeared similar to what happened to the hairs on his arms. The legs of Bill lost all its muscle mass and the muscle mass was replaced with flab. When Bill bent down to touch her legs she realized she no longer had the masculine and rough legs of a man but the perfectly sculpted, toned, soft, smooth,feminine, and sexy legs of a woman. Bill’s feet shrunk in height and length as they got smaller and tinier just like her legs did. Bill’s feet began to decrease in size until her feet were so tiny that she now had the women’s shoe size of 7 instead of a men’s shoe size of 8. The toes shrunk in size becoming extremely small and tinier than what they used to be. The new size of Bill’s toes matched the new size of Bill’s feet perfectly. The toenails became perfectly manicured. Bill regained some of her youth as she aged in reverse going from 29 to 26 years old.

    The last thing to change were the clothes Bill had on. The bottom of Bill’s shirt and the top of Bill’s pants connected with each other and would not separate from one another. The clothes started to change color going from an orange shirt and blue jeans to a color of light green. The short sleeves on Bill’s arms shorten in length becoming smaller and smaller until there were no sleeves left. The clothing from the top of the shoulders and the collar of the shirt to the top of Bill’s boobs ripped apart and tore off from the shirt exposing her skin for everyone to see. Two straps were formed and went over her right shoulder to make sure the clothing did not fall off her body. The pant legs of Bill’s pants fused together into a dress. The black sneakers on Bill’s feet transformed into sexy high heel open toe ankle straps. The black color on the high heels changed from a dark black to a light golden color.Jewelry appeared all over Bill’s body including a gold wristband on Bill ‘s left arm and golden earrings on Bill’s ears. 

    “Oh my god I look just like Sydney Sweeney. How did this happen,” asked Bill?

    “I had a body transformation potion that can turn anyone into a celebrity. It must have somehow got into the pizza,” said Travis.

    “We have to make sure that no one else eats the pizza,” said Bill.

    “You are right,” said Travis. 

    But right before the two could do anything a voice that sounded exactly like Sydney Sweeney popped up inside Bill’s head and started talking to Bill. The female voice that sounded exactly like Sydney Sweeney started to control Bill’s mind and the voice controlled all her thoughts, actions.

    “You love this new body Bill. You love being Sydney Sweeney,” said the female voice inside Bill’s head.

    “I love my new body, I love being Sydney Sweeney,” shouted Bill.

    “Who are you talking to and why do you now suddenly like being Sydney Sweeney,” asked Travis but Bill ignored him.

    “You love being Sydney Sweeney. You love your new body. You want everyone to be a celebrity,” said the female voice inside Bill’s head. 

    “I love being Sydney Sweeney. I love my new body. I want everyone to be a celebrity,” shouted Bill.

    “Bill, we have to make sure nobody eats the pizza and turns into a celebrity,” said Travis.

    “Don’t listen to him. Let me take over your mind. Let me get rid of your old personality and let me give you a new personality that makes you love your new body,” said the female voice inside Bill’s head. 

    “I let you take over my body,” said Bill.

    “No,” screamed Travis.

    The old personality of Bill disappeared and the new personality with the voice of Sydney Sweeney took over her entire body.

    “Come over here Travis and let me show you how much fun it is to be a celebrity,” said the new Bill.

    “No,” screamed Travis and he ran but fell onto the ground.

    The new Bill took a piece of pizza and shoved it inside Travis’s mouth until Travis accidentally swallowed some of it.

    “You swallowed the pizza. Now you will soon be a celebrity just like me,” said Bill.

    “No, I don’t want to have a celebrity’s body,” screamed Travis. 

    Travis started to have a weird feeling and ran into the bathroom so he could look at himself in the bathroom mirror to see if he would transform and who he would transform into.

    Travis pulled out his phone and started to text his older brother Frank for help. The text message said “Frank, I need your help. The magic transformation potion accidentally got into one of the pizzas I was making at work. I delivered the pizza to a house party and now everyone who is eating the pizza is changing into a celebrity. I accidentally took a bite of the pizza and I can feel myself start to transform. Please bring the antidote with you. The address of the house I am at is 2617 Jefferson Road. Please come as soon as possible.” 

    Travis sent the text message and then the transformation began. First, his toes started to shrink, many inches.The toes kept on shrinking, getting smaller and tinier until they were many sizes smaller than what they once were. The toenails on Travis’s toes began to grow longer and bigger. The toenails became perfectly manicured while sparkly silver nail polish magically appeared and applied itself on Travis’s toenails. The feet of Travis also shrank in size becoming smaller and thinner until they were so small that they could not properly fit his shoes. The shrinking of the feet caused them to go from a male shoe size of 11 to a female shoe size of 8. Travis felt the skin on his feet and it changed from masculine rough skin to smoother, softer and feminine skin. The feet Travis now had were the feet that every person with a foot fetish would find sexy and attractive. Travis ran to the bathroom so he could look in the bathroom mirror and see himself change into another person. Travis wondered who he was becoming. 

    Just like his feet Travis’s legs were beginning to transform. The legs hair receded back into Travis skin leaving his legs cleanly shaved. The legs started to lose muscle mass until Travis’s muscular legs were replaced with the thin, toned feminine legs of a female. The length of the legs began to shrink in size similar to how Travis’s feet shrank. Travis watched his legs as they kept on getting tinier and smaller. The shrinking of the legs caused Travis to lose a few inches in height going from 6ft 1” to 5ft 8”. The skin of the legs also went from rough and masculine to soft, smooth, and feminine. The legs were the perfectly sculpted toned feminine legs of a woman. 

    The next thing to change was Travis’s torso. The torso of Travis began to change shape. Travis’s hips expanded as they popped out and widened. As Travis’s hips grew wider and wider his hip bones started to make cracking noises as the hip bones became wider and bigger. The hips grew wider and bigger until Travis’s hip size was 35 inches wide. While Travis’s hips grew wider his waist was getting narrower. The waist got narrower and smaller until the waist size was only 27 inches. Travis’s ass started to gain weight and get bigger. Travis’s ass slowly went from a flat ass to a sexy, juicy, round, bubble butt that now jiggles up and down every time Travis moves and takes a step. The chest hairs on Travis’s torso receded back into the body causing the hairs to disappear. The torso of Travis shrank in size becoming smaller and thinner until it was nowhere near the size it originally was. The shrinking of the torso caused Travis to lose even more height as he went from 5 ft 8” to 5 ft 4” tall. Travis began to lose weight. The man's weight continued to decrease from his original weight of 183 pounds until his new weight was 128 pounds. The overall body figure of Travis went from the average male body figure to a slim female body figure.

    The important body parts Travis thought were the most important were about to change which were his pecs and his penis. The pecs started to inflate like a balloon. 

    Travis screamed, “please change my pecs back to normal. I don’t want to have boobs.”

    But the pecs only got bigger and heavier as they gained weight. The pecs kept on getting larger and wider until they were no longer pecs at all but instead big female boobs. Travis’s new boobs were 35 inches big and were perfect b cup breasts that any man would find attractive. Travis could feel his new boobs bounce up and down every time he moved.

    Travis looked down and saw that his penis was beginning to get smaller. 

    “No, no, no, not my dick. I don’t want to lose my big dick,” screamed Travis but his penis continued to shrink despite Travis telling it not to.Travis’s testicles slid back up inside his body transforming themselves into ovaries while his remaining ballsack kept on shrinking and shrinking until it shrunk itself out of existence. Female eggs and an uterus started to form inside Travis’s body thereby giving him more female body parts. All the hair surrounding Travis’s dick receded back into his skin causing the hairs to disappear from his body. 

    “Oh my god I do not want to have a vagina but growing one feels so fantastic,” said Travis. What Travis did not realize was that the feeling of his penis morphing into a vagina was so intense that it was giving him sexual pleasure he had never experienced and was sexually turning him on. The sexual pleasure was so great Travis could no longer keep quiet and started to involuntary moan as if he was a woman having sex. 

    The penis kept on getting smaller and tinier until the penis was completely gone. After the cock was gone a hole started to form where the penis used to be. The hole kept on getting bigger and wider forming a passageway inside Travis’s body. The hole continued to morph and change itself until it became a vagina and clitoris. The sexual pleasure Travis was having from his dick becoming a pussy felt so wonderful that it caused him to have first female orgasm. The orgasm was unlike anything other pleasure Travis ever experienced and it was the greatest pleasurable feeling Travis ever had. With a new vagina, clitoris, ovaries, eggs, and uterus Travisl was no longer a he but a she.

    After the orgasm Travis’s shoulders were the next thing to change. The shoulders on Travis became less broad and more narrow. The arms on Travis shrank in size becoming smaller and thinner until they were many sizes smaller than what they used to be. Travis lost a lot of the muscle mass in her arms and the muscle mass was replaced with flab on her arms. The arm hair receded back into his arms and disappeared leaving them hairless. The skin on his arms went from masculine and rough skin to smooth, softer, and feminine skin. Travis’s hands were shrinking just like her arms. The hand became smaller and dainty looking like the hands of a girl instead of a man’s. While Travis’s hands were getting smaller her fingernails were shrinking and getting longer. The fingernails grew longer and became perfectly manicured. Sparkly silver nail polish formed on top of the fingernails and covered the entire fingernails with a sparkly silver color. 

    The head and face of Travis started to transform. Cracking noises could be heard while the skull and face shape of the head was changing. The shape of the face changed from a square shaped face with a square jaw to a round shaped face with a round shaped jaw. The nose and ears on Travis’s head became smaller and changed into a different shape. The eye color of Travis became brighter in color as it changed from brown color eyes to green color eyes. The eyelashes on top of Travis’s eyes grew longer and became more curvy giving him the feminine eyelashes only a female would normally have. The hair Travis had also became brighter and lighter in color changing from dark black hair to light blonde hair. The hair also started to grow longer and longer until it went past Travis’s shoulders. The lips on Travis’s face plumped up and his voice changed from a deep masculine male sounding voice to a higher pitched feminine female sounding voice from  Atlanta, Georgia.Makeup, mascara and red lipstick magically appeared on Travis’s face. Travis’s age changed from 20 to 27 years old. Travis recognized the person he became and he was the actress Chloe Grace Mortez. 

    Lastly, the clothes of Travis began to change just like her body. The sleeves on the red shirt Travis was wearing decreased in length becoming shorter changing her shirt from a long sleeve shirt to a short sleeve shirt. The pant legs of Travis’s blue jeans shrank in size causing her pants to go from long pant legs to short pants legs. The black and white sneakers on Travis’s feet transformed from sneakers to sexy high heel open toe ankle straps. All the clothing Travis had including his shirt, pants, and shoes changed color going from their original color to pitched black. A golden necklace and a black wristband also appeared around his neck and his left arm. 

    “Oh no, oh no, oh no, this is not good,” said Travis

“What do you mean this isn’t good it’s fantastic,” said a female voice in her head that sounded exactly like Chloe Grace Mortez.

    “Yes, you are right this is fantastic,” said Travis. 

    “Please let me take over your mind. Let your old personality disappear and let me be your new personality,” said the female voice inside Travis’s head. 

    “Yes, please take over my mind,” said Travis.

    Then the old personality of Travis disappeared and the new personality took over Travis’s mind. Travis walked out of the bathroom and was greeted by Bill.

    “Thank you so much for turning me into a celebrity Bill, I love my new body,” said Travis

    “No problem hun but please call me Sydney,” said Sydney.

    “I will do that. Let’s go turn everyone else into celebrities,” said Chloe. 

    “And when we're done we can make out,” Sydney said as she kissed Chloe.

    Chloe and Sydney made out for a few seconds then went to turn more people into celebrities.

    Meanwhile, on the other side of town. Frank woke up, ate breakfast, brushed his teeth, and then went to check his phone.

    “I wonder what this text message could be about,” wondered Frank.

    Frank read the text message that said, “Frank, I need your help. The magic transformation potion accidentally got into one of the pizzas I was making at work. I delivered the pizza to a house party and now everyone who is eating the pizza is changing into a celebrity. I accidentally took a bite of the pizza and I can feel myself start to transform. Please bring the antidote with you. The address of the house I am at is 2617 Jefferson Road. Please come as soon as possible.” 

    “Damn it Travis, why do you always have to fuck everything up,” said Frank.

    Frank put on his clothes, grabbed the antidote, and drove to 2617 Jefferson Road.

    To be continued 

Thursday, March 30, 2023

Road To Wrestlemania Interactive CYOC TG

 Road to Wrestlemania 

    You bought a ticket to Wrestlemania and you were excited to go see the show. Unfortunately, when you hoped in your car to go your car stopped working. Now you have to find a new way to get to Wrestlemania.

    Which way do you decide to travel?

    Call An Uber 

    Go On An Airplane 

    Travel By Train

    Ask Friend To Borrow His Car

    Take The Bus

    Give Up And Stay At Home

The Wild Celebrity TG Pizza Party Part 1

       Travis and Frank were two brothers living together in Los Angeles California. The two loved living in Los Angeles because it meant th...